Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Kerri's visit, first weekend

Kerri arrived Friday morning, 6:15 or something and we were not even there to get her.  Other visitors had spent about an hour getting through customs, but Kerri's flight had gone so well she was reluctant to get off the plane and breeze through customs.  She cooled her heels at the McDonalds until we arrived about half an hour late.

We spent the day around St. Heliers as we had a party to attend that night, unknown to me, given in Dave's honor.  He was welcomed by his new group at the chair woman's home and Kerri also attended.  They really laid it on thick, it seems they are extremely pleased with Dave and are already campaiging to keep him here past his contracted time (of the end of March, 2012).  What a dilemna that will make for him, but who knows what can happen in a year.  They also wanted to take Kerri out one night to see the great night life (hoping if she moved here too, Dave and I would both be willing to stay a little longer.  They do not realize the power of grand children! 

Saturday morning we went to Goat Island, a marine preserve up the coast about an hour, staying the night at a beach house owned by a fellow radiologist.  It was quite rustic to say the least, reminded us of girls camp.  Let me just say now that we had exceptionally wonderful weather the whole time Kerri was here...well, one day of rain.

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