Sunday, February 6, 2011

And, most important development over the weekend, Dave found a very decent car to get us through thisPosted by Picasayear. cute eh?

Glen Innes Ward

This Sunday was even more wonderful than yesterday's travels. The ward here is fantastic. It was testimony sunday, the once a month when members of the congregation get up and just bear their testimonies of Christ and the gospel. I was weepy through the whole meeting. The congregation was much larger today, and they are smart, well spoken, articulate, well versed in the scriptures. I felt like if I were to stand and bear my testimony, it would have disrupted the meeting. I did have a chance to so later during the women's meetings, which was also a good meeting. There were about 30 women in RS, which is pretty big. I am going to enjoy studying and learning with these people.

Our bishop has been a bishop for three years while he has been in medical school and an intern! He now has 6 months off, no pay, to study for boards, at which time he can start his two year "registrar", residency, THEN, 4-5 years as a fellow in anesthetics. Wow, with three years. His Australian wife, he is Maori, with a white father who is also in the ward, is anxious to return to Australia where they can afford to live.

All in All is was a very good day.

Auckland NZ LDS Temple, Hamilton

Well, not much
to say about this really, it speaks for itself. The only problem is that with price of gas and all, we figured it costs about
50.00 dollars to visit. I cannot express how much gratitude I have for being a spoiled American.
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Can you tell I loved this place?