Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Bike Riding on Waiheke Island

Kerri's first request was to go bike riding somewhere, and that is Waiheke Island in the Auckland area. We ferried over and rented some bikes at the wharf, I was able to wrangle a "sissy bike". The guy assured us even us old people could ride the island as he handed us the
the map. It was
a piece of cake. HA! I bet h
e has never biked the island. We pushed out bikes up hill after hill after hill after hill. It takes 4 hours to walk the
island and 3 and 1/2 hours to bike it. We kept thinking, around the next bend, the hills would end. Luckily I have been walking a lot to get me in good enough shape to not totally hit the wall after about 3 hours. I could barely lift my leg over the bike rail; I kept telling Kerri I thought I had hit the wall, but I made it! She did great of course. It was really a fun day tough, and as always, spectaccularly beautiful.
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