Sunday, February 6, 2011

Glen Innes Ward

This Sunday was even more wonderful than yesterday's travels. The ward here is fantastic. It was testimony sunday, the once a month when members of the congregation get up and just bear their testimonies of Christ and the gospel. I was weepy through the whole meeting. The congregation was much larger today, and they are smart, well spoken, articulate, well versed in the scriptures. I felt like if I were to stand and bear my testimony, it would have disrupted the meeting. I did have a chance to so later during the women's meetings, which was also a good meeting. There were about 30 women in RS, which is pretty big. I am going to enjoy studying and learning with these people.

Our bishop has been a bishop for three years while he has been in medical school and an intern! He now has 6 months off, no pay, to study for boards, at which time he can start his two year "registrar", residency, THEN, 4-5 years as a fellow in anesthetics. Wow, with three years. His Australian wife, he is Maori, with a white father who is also in the ward, is anxious to return to Australia where they can afford to live.

All in All is was a very good day.

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