Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Smeds last night

Well, they had to leave. Drats. But we did get one more hand of hand and foot in, really last minute. As they left at 7:00 am, we had a hotel room reserved for them near the airport so we could not be bothered! Sorry...but actually, Dave's sis, Sheryl and hubbie Pete, had come in on their heels so our cute little house was a little full. So, we did let them go. Also, no picture, but their last night here was a magical goodbye by a large pod of orca whales. Shelley spotted "something" out in the bay while we were in our town and thought they were dolphins. We thought they were a pretty big and then we spotted their spouts. We went up to the lookout part of the bay and got to watch the orca's playing as they left the bay. Evidently this does not happen often Smeds, so, what a fond farewell, eh mates!
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