Thursday, March 3, 2011

Anlican Chuch...

In Paihia, the the docking town of the Bay of Island, this church dates wayyyy back. It was so sweet. There were a lot of posted prayers inside for the people of Christ Church.

This is not to be confused with the little branch we attended. The first speaker was the YM president and he gave a teary report of how he was supposed to be in ChristChurch for a new job interview. However, the week before he had lost his cell phone on a hike with the YM. This was his only phone and his only contact source for the job. He was frantic for a week trying to get things together to recontact the company. By the time he was in contact again, it was the Monday before the earthquake. Another speaker was a pitch hitter because the scheduled speaker was a mortician called to help out there. That is the biggest problem now; trying to identify victims. Physical descriptions were not enough and as it turns out, many are not New Zealanders. There was a large class on english going on the building that took the biggest hit and evidently all of those students were killed.

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